April 17th is Tax Day which means you need to file your taxes TODAY! But once your done, enjoy a free item/service from these companies
Free Hot Dog on a Stick
Get a free original turkey or veggie dog on Tuesday, April 17th. There’s no purchase necessary and it’s limited to one per customer.
Free Massage From HydroMassage (April 14-21, 2018)
To redeem your free HydroMassage session, download and print the coupon and bring in to redeem your massage.
Free Document Shredding at Office Depot/Office Max (Now-April 28, 2018)
To get 5 free pounds of document shredding, bring in this coupon to Office Depot/Office Max now through April 28, 2018.
$10.40 Tax Day Special at Boston Market
Dine in at Boston Market on April 17th and get a $10.40 Tax Day Special that includes a Half Chicken Individual Meal with two sides, cornbread, and a regular fountain. While no coupon is necessary, supplies of this specially price meal are limited.
Free Kids Meals at Hooter’s (April 14-17, 2018)
Kids younger than 12 years old will receive one free Hooters Kids Meal with a purchase of $10 or more from an adult at participating locations nationwide.
Buy One, Get One Free Pizza at Chuck E. Cheese (April 17-19)
Buy a large pizza purchased between April 17 and 19, guests will get one large cheese pizza free.
$4 off any $10 purchase at Noodles & Company (April 11-18, 2018)
To get $4 off, place your order online and use the promo code TAXDAY18 at checkout. The weeklong Tax Day promotion runs from April 11 to 18, 2018.
$1 “Dollaritas” Margaritas at Applebee’s
Get a $1 Margarita from open to close, everyday in April (dine-in only).Tax