Watch a slam dunk from 13,000 feet

By 965koit on December 6, 2019
during the Harlem Globetrotters World Tour at Qudos Bank Arena on April 15, 2018 in Sydney, Australia.

The Harlem Globetrotters are known for doing some pretty insane things. Jumping over other players, back flips and ball spinning. They also have some pretty epic slam dunks that they do during their games. But none of those dunks can top this one that starts at 13,000 feet in the air.

A Harlem Globetrotter named Hammer Harrison decided to do something amazing for World Trick Shot Day. He strapped a man to his back and jumped out of an airplane holding a red white & blue basketball in his hand. They are calling it the worlds highest slam dunk and it surprisingly only took him one try to make it.

They jump out of the airplane at 2:29 and he approaches the hoop at 3:06. 

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