This weekend my daughters and I attended a Creative Lettering class at The Paper Source in Burlingame. It was so much fun and I never thought that I would be able to unlock the creativity or patience to start learning how to write so nice. My girls had a great time as well. It was in a class setting with 2 other people there were supposed to be 10 but some didn’t show up so we were a group of 5. Our teacher Joni was so fun and very willing to help us with different techniques. My hand and wrist did get tired quite easily but it was still alot of fun. If you have ever wanted to take a workshop you really should. Here’s the link if you need it. Hopefully there is a Paper Source near you or another store that you can sign up at. The workshop was 2 hours long and I bought 2 special pens that were required for the class. The pens all togther only cost $5. I believe the class was $29.00 =)