What to do This Weekend
By 965koit on November 24, 2017
Ride the Leroy King Carousel for free at the Children’s Creativity Museum and Yerba Buena Skating Center. There will also be carnival games, snow, and ice skating performances. It all goes from 4p until 7:30p.
Free Ice Skating lessons in Union Square from 8:30a-9:30. It’s free for the first 50 people and the lessons will run 30 min and there will be 30 min of free skate to show off your moves!
Free Parking day in Oakland. From now until New Year’s Day, every Saturday you will be able to park for free at meters and parking kiosks. Go enjoy your shopping without having to worry about how many quarters you need.
Come decorate the Christmas tree at San Francisco City Hall at 8 a.m. It’s called “the Rainbow World Fun World Tree of Hope.” The tree will promote global unity, peace and love and is decorated with thousands of origami cranes and stars inscribed with people’s wishes and hopes for the future of the world.