Why You Should Have a “Sprinkle” For Your Child

By 965koit on July 17, 2019

What the heck is a “Sprinkle“?

If your mind went to cupcakes, I’m right there with you, sister. BUT it’s actually the term people are using for a baby shower for their second or third kid.

I think a lot of women think they can only throw a baby shower with the first child. That’s when you really need stuff because you have no idea what you’re doing, your body is going through insane changes, and you’ve already got enough on your plate.

By the second kid, you should all together, right?

No way!

Here are two reasons why you should have a Sprinkle:

  1. YOU FEEL LIKE IT: It’s okay to want to celebrate your new baby. It’s okay to want your friends to come over and celebrate you while eating little sandwiches and wearing a special outfit. If you want to have another baby shower, then do it! Who cares what anyone says!
  2. YOU STILL NEED STUFF: Just because you’ve had a kid before doesn’t mean that you don’t need new things. You’re going to need diapers, wipes, and other essentials. Your old baby clothes might be too worn or stained to pass down. I know that I’ve given away a lot of Lilly’s old toys and clothes, so I would be unprepared if I had another kid. It’s okay to ask! Most people want to give you something!

How do you plan a Sprinkle:

There are some great ways to throw a fabulous Spinkle party. Here are a few of my favorites.

Last thing:

However you plan to celebrate the birth of your new child, just remember not to forget the older child. A new baby can be a confusing and uncertain time for a child. Go out of their way to make them feel included and consider throwing a “Meet & Greet” Sprinkle party. That’s where the older kid can meet everyone at the party, and make them a major focus of the party.



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