Book stores are becoming a rare sight these days thanks to the ease and the deals of online shopping. But there is a town out there that still cares about their local book store.

There is a book store in England called October Books that has been open for 40 years. Back in July their rent in the building they were located went up so high they couldn’t afford it anymore. That’s when the community came together and started a fundraising campaign that raised over a half a million dollars so that they could buy a different building for the book store. That saved the book store but they had to find a way to relocated 2000 books from one location to the other.

Turns out the building was only about 500 feet away so 250 people came together and started a human chain from one building to the next. They passed 2 or 3 books at a time down the human chain and in a few hours the books were completely relocated. Now the book store has a new home and shouldn’t have to worry about rent for a long time.