Pizza Hut Is Changing Their Pizza Recipe!

By 965koit on May 29, 2019

Why is everything from our childhood dying?! First Toys R Us, then Sears and now Pizza Hut isn’t going to taste like Pizza Hut anymore?! What will you take from me next!? Actually, I don’t mind this change.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had Pizza Hut, mainly because I’m old and get heartburn easily, but I feel like I know exactly what it tastes like. After all, I had it almost every day when I was in school because it was that or “mystery meat.”

After 40 years Pizza Hut has decided to update their recipe with what they are calling the “most substantial changes” to their iconic pan pizza. It has taken them 3 years to perfect the new taste of their pizza including new crust and a new cheese blend.

If you want to try it and not spend too much money, they are actually running a limited time special. You can get a large 2 topping pizza for $7.99 when you order online or at participating restaurants.

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