At several points in my life I struggled with depression pretty badly.
By on September 10, 2019
Hi It’s Freska and today is NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION DAY. I don’t often speak of this but I suffered from depression and didn’t know how to deal with difficult emotional situations. In a nut shell, at the age of 24 I had the #1 night show in Hawaii but I was also lonely, sad and depressed because of a failed marriage. I tried to kill myself and luckily I survived. I was rushed to the hospital via ambulance. When I woke up I had a slew of emotions and thoughts, one of which was feeling overwhelmed and actually relieved that I was still alive. Luckily I didn’t have to get my stomach pumped but I had to drink a gang load of charcoal. I vowed to myself that day that no matter how difficult things got in my life that I would love myself more than the problems that were happening. I have since been through a lot more and everything is literally cake now because I learned that I am tough as nails. I am an open book and more than willing to share my experience in detail so if you have ANY questions at all please ask and it’s ok if you ask on this thread as others may have the same question and yes I was once on medication. Prozac.
You never know what someone is going through and what may push them over the edge. Show someone kindness today and everyday. You may be the difference for them in that moment of despair. I will be speaking this Saturday at the 1st Annual SSF Women’s Conference to help empower the women in our community overcome stressful situations. You DO NOT have to be a woman to attend and you can be from anywhere too! Thank you and I hope to see you there.…