Does this item spark joy? Are you tidying up the Marie Kondo way too?
By on January 25, 2019
I am a recovering packrat. It has been a long process. I’m excited that I came across Marie Kondo. Her method is unique to me because I never thought about asking myself if an item sparked joy? If it doesn’t spark joy why keep it? This is very important when it comes to clothing because I have a lot of it. Before you decide to put it in the donation pile thank the item for it’s service so you can let it go. I always felt guilty giving somethings away even though I never used them. Marie’s way speaks to your emotions in the process, where someone like me would need in order to actually let go of something. There is also a way to fold your clothes and put in drawers. I have since incorporated this method just to try it and it really does save a lot of space and I can see everything upon opening up the drawer! It is a work in progress but I’m excited about it. I’m excited to let go of things. In a few days I will dump all the clothes I have on my bed and start saying thank you and letting go. Then when I am done I will move on to my books. There is a method to this whole thing. I’ll report back with pictures. Until then check out the video below and you’ll see what I mean. Marie also has a Netflix show too and a few books. I recommend checking them all out!