Ed Sheeran’s look a like
By on November 19, 2019
We have all seen a pretty good amount of celebrity look a likes. Some have a slight resemblance while others look like they can really perhaps be a twin. Ed Sheeran has a doppelganger by the name of Ty Jones. When Ty finally met Ed he said it was like looking in a mirror. A few years ago Ed Sheeran’s himself posted a photo on his Instagram with Ty with the caption, “We tracked my twin down!!!” This is a screenshot of it that Ty posted.
When you put them side by side you can tell they are different people but when you see Ty at different angles he really does look like Ed.
I think it looks like they could be brothers!
Ty said he started getting noticed while he was still in high school and Ed was just starting to get popular. There have been many times he has told fans that he was NOT Ed Sheeran but they wouldn’t take no for an answer and just couldn’t believe him. Ed has other doppelgangers but to me Ty looks like him the most so much so that he gets booked for appearances and has an agent.
I found two videos both of which are in regards to the same publicity stunt that Ty was hired to look like Ed at a high profile boxing match with YouTubers KSI and Paul Logan. The first video talks about how the prank was set up and it has footage of fans taking pictures with Ty and how crazy it was!
This video is actually Ty’s and it explains how it was for him.
While I do think they look a lot alike I don’t believe I would have been fooled however I would have still loved a photo with Ty lol! Here’s a pretty awesome interview Ty did explaining how this whole look alike thing happened. It’s a pretty interesting story to say the least.