Woman swallowed her engagement ring. Thought it was a dream!
By on September 16, 2019
Jenna Evans of San Diego was indeed sleep eating! She had a “Mission Impossible” type dream. “We were on a cargo train at night and it was a mission impossible kind of situation. There were bad guys and he said, ‘You have to swallow your ring.'”
When she woke up she couldn’t find her ring and looked all over for it. She admitted that she has a history of sleep talking and sleep walking but never sleep eating. She and her fiance eventually went to the doctor and got x-rays done and voila, the ring was in her stomach! The doctors said in stead of letting nature take it’s course they suggested an upper endoscopy was her best option and did just that! They were able to remove the 2.4 carat ring just beyond her stomach in her intestines! They even took photos of it during the endoscopy. (Click here to see them.)
Luckily she is doing well now and as Jenna put it, ” I promised not to swallow it again, we’re still getting married and all is right in the world.”