Movies To See In January!

By 965koit on January 2, 2019
Portrait of a loving young couple at the movies watching a film and eating popcorn – lifestyle concepts

Was your new years resolution to see more movies this year? Well, it should have been. You can win tickets to any Cinemark theater including XD by signing up HERE. There are some pretty good looking movies headed our way this month including a nerdy sequel that has been 18 years in the making. If you are headed to the movies this month, these are our picks for January that you should go and check out!

January 4th – Escape Room

Technically, this is the only movie coming out this week but it also looks like a pretty good thriller. Escape rooms have become pretty popular over the last couple years and this is what would happen if your worst nightmare came true and you couldn’t actually escape. 6 people are invited to participate in a new escape room and if they can get out they’ll win $1 Million, if they don’t DIE first! (Bwahahahahahaha)


January 11th – Replicas

It’s been a while since we have had a good “cloning is bad” movie. The last one I remember is 6th day with Arnold from 2000 and I’m pretty sure I’m the only person who saw that movie. Now Keanu Reeves has one and it looks pretty good! Keanu stole a bunch of cloning equipment after his wife and 3 kids died in a car crash so that he could bring them back. But they don’t know they are clones, until they DO!


January – Glass

First, there was a movie in 2000 called Unbreakable starring Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson. Then there was a movie called Split that came out in 2017 starring James McAvoy. Both movies are about people with Super hero-like abilities in the “real world.” Glass is the 3rd movie in the trilogy and they all finally meet each other in what looks like a mental hospital. A man played by Sam Jackson is obsessed with people that have these abilities because he has a disease that makes his bones extremely brittle, which is why his name is Mr. Glass.


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