Apparently, this has been going on for years but I am just now hearing about it. It is called the 4 gift rule and it is exactly what it sounds like. You only give your children 4 gifts for Christmas. Which does not sound like a lot, but it makes everything more simple. They know that they are only getting 4 gifts each every year and each of them has a theme. Plus, it makes it really easy on parents because they have very clear ideas on what to get each kid.

So what are the 4 gift rules?

WANTThis will be that thing that they really want like a new Playstation or a bike.

NEEDOne of those things that they need but perhaps it’s been too expensive to buy, like an electric toothbrush or a nice hair dryer.

WEAR Clothes for the new year, new shoes, make up anything they can wear.

READA new book or even something educational.

My favorite part of this is that it makes it easy for the shopper. Instead of choosing from a 1000 different things they want, I can focus on these specific subjects. It helps to narrow down the possibilities and make my shopping go much faster. Plus, as a gift receiver I’ll know exactly what to expect.

What do you think? Do you have gift giving rules that you follow on Christmas?